Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Changes and Discomforts
Back pain, headaches, neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome… these are a few of the conditions pregnant women may experience during pregnancy. Most of the time, expectant mothers are told they must live with the pain.
During pregnancy, women experience weight gain, postural shift, differences in their center of gravity and numerous hormonal changes. Any or all of these factors can impose stress on the spine and pelvis (collectively called spinal stress). In addition, any previous accidents, emotional stress, tension, and overexertion can add to spinal stress. Spinal stress can shift the vertebrae and pelvis out of alignment, causing pain, numbness or tingling. The misalignment of the spine and pelvis can compress and irritate nerves, such as the sciatic nerve, causing severe pain and discomfort.

In Utero Constraint
As the expectant mother progresses through her pregnancy, the baby develops and the mother’s uterus enlarges to accommodate the rapid growth of the baby. If the pelvis is aligned and balanced, the ligaments that are connected to the uterus maintain the supportive connection to the uterus. However, if the pelvis is out of alignment, the ligaments are not as supportive and can cause constraint to the uterus. In utero constraint during pregnancy may impede the baby as it is developing and prevent the baby from moving into the best position for birth.
Chiropractic care helps restore proper alignment and balance to the spine and pelvis and alleviates the many unwanted discomforts that can occur during pregnancy. The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that removes interference to the expectant mother’s nervous system and balances her pelvic and abdominal muscles and ligaments. In turn, this reduces constraint to her uterus and allows the baby to get into the best possible position for birth.
Why Choose Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy?
Research has shown that women who receive chiropractic care during pregnancy have approximately six hours less time spent in labor than women who do not receive chiropractic care. Also, women who receive prenatal chiropractic care have approximately three hours less of labor during subsequent pregnancies. According to a study by Irvin Hendryson, MD, a member of the American Medical Association, ”Visiting a chiropractor while being pregnant can help the expectant mother deliver the baby with more comfort.”
Women can begin chiropractic care at any time during their pregnancy. If possible, the best time to begin care is before becoming pregnant. A balanced spine and pelvis can prevent irritation to the nervous system and prevent the many discomforts that pregnancy can bring.
A drugless, nonsurgical form of health care, chiropractic care is a safe method of treatment for expectant and postpartum mothers. Tailored specifically for each expectant woman, it is safe, gentle and effective. Most women who visit a chiropractic physician during their pregnancy experience less pain, increased energy, better sleep and increased comfort during their pregnancies.
Glowing Reviews: Gentle Prenatal Chiropractic Care That Moms Love
We’ve been seeing Dr. Yan and Dr. V regularly for 16 years and have always had a positive experience. I started when I was pregnant. Dr. Yan helped ease a lot of physical and emotional stress.
After my son was born, she started seeing him too and it was like infant magic. At 15, my son still goes (and asks) to be adjusted.
In my 40s, I developed back & hip problems (we knew they’d show up eventually bc I was born with hip dysplasia) and Dr. Yan & Dr. V keep me on my feet, out of pain, and with no need for surgery. My husband has a bad disc and shoulder issues, which Dr. V also treats, helping the hubs avoid pain & other issues.
There are (apparently) different styles of chiropractic, so it’s important to know that at CCA, they don’t do much of that pretzel-bending stuff (not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s just scary to some.). At CCA, it’s a “gentler” approach and totally suitable for infants, children, and teens–and even older folks.
Wellness is important to our family. Drs. Yan and Vechiarelli have been instrumental in helping us acheive this goal. Through pregnancies, infant care, active children, various injuries and just every day life maintenance. The doctors have helped keep us well and moving comfortably. Convenient appointments and friendly staff are a bonus too.